Wenzhou-made products go global
Date:2024-04-25 11:03:53 Source:Wenzhou·China Fonts:[ Large Medium Small ]

It’s learned from the Wenzhou Customs on April 22 that the city's photovoltaic (PV) modules exports reached 90.543 million yuan in the first quarter of this year, an increase of 13.3% year-on-year. The top contribution was made by Astronergy, a New-Energy Base in Yueqing under the CHINT Group, presenting an export of more than 60 million yuan. A flood of PV modules including the newly released n-type TOPCon are going to global market from Wenzhou.

In the workshop of Astronergy, batches of n-type PV panels are assembled orderly from the fully automated equipment. They are used as components for the n-type PV batteries because of their advantages in higher power generation and bifacial rate. With rapid technology update, the n-type TOPCon are becoming the next mainstream products, replacing the traditional p-type PV modules.

In recent years, PV products, representing one of the “new trio” (namely, electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and PV products) are becoming the new growth area of Wenzhou. Astronergy’s main business and technology reform are in line with the national promotion of scientific and industrial innovation.

To foster more export, Wenzhou Customers together with relevant government departments has established an expert service team to conduct surveys among enterprises especially in the PV industry. The officials from Wenzhou Customs even go door-to-door to provide tailor-made export business plan and explain policies to the business, promoting more Wenzhou-made products going global.